Everyone Hates Marketers is a top 1% podcast, with guests like Seth Godin, Joanna Wiebe, or Mark Ritson. It's reached 1M+ downloads organically.
Every week, Louis Grenier interviews guests who share no-fluff, actionable marketing insights so you can stand the f*ck out—without being sleazy.
Latest Episodes
Stop The Scroll, Start The Sale: 7 Ways To Build An Audience Of Future Buyers
Dive into the 7 F's of building an audience of future buyers with "The Customer Whisperer," Katelyn Bourgoin. The brain behind a newsletter of 58,000 smart marketers, ...

Bob Moesta's Jobs-To-Be-Done: Your Fix for Selling Without Gagging
Delve into the insights of the Jobs-To-Be-Done theory with its advocate, Bob Moesta. As the mastermind behind over 3,500 product launches and the President & CEO of Th...

[BONUS] The Secret Psychology Behind Movie Trailers
This is a bonus episode courtesy of my brother from another British mother, Phill Agnew, host of the Nudge Podcast.Turns out, there's a winning formula that turns any ...

The Banana Principle: Why Loyalty Programs Are Rotten To The Core
Unlock profitable growth by mastering evidence-based marketing principles shared by a marketing maverick who has been catapulting brands to new heights for over fiftee...

How To Get a Damn Marketing Job
Step into the arena with Erika Klics, “a self-proclaimed SaaS nerd, unapologetic LinkedIn addict, and Job Search Strategist for the Tech Industry”. With a track record...