Stop Wrestling With Pricing: How to Set Prices Customers Want

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Listen to Melina Palmer, behavioral economist and author of "The Truth About Pricing," explain how you can use simple tricks from behavioral economics to make your prices feel just right for your customers. It’s not about changing the price but how you show it. 
  • (00:00) - Intro
  • (01:48) - The pricing paradox 
  • (05:28) - Pricing psychology & finding the perfect price point
  • (15:51) - Putting theory into practice (step-by-step guide)
  • (23:41) - How to understand what's beyond the core product of your business?
  • (28:40) - Looking at the competition
  • (32:59) - Main pricing principles
  • (45:04) - Little-known principles that can boost your sales
  • (48:42) - The cookie framework
  • (52:01) - Tips to harness the power of curiosity bias
  • (54:41) - Outro
  • (57:06) - Melina's top 3 resources


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Creators and Guests

Louis Grenier
Louis Grenier
The French guy behind Everyone Hates Marketers
Melina Palmer
Melina Palmer
Applied Behavioral Economist, Podcaster, and Author
Stop Wrestling With Pricing: How to Set Prices Customers Want
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