How to Make Products That Stick (With PepsiCo's Chief Design Officer)

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With 47 patents under his belt, Mauro Porcini takes us on a deep dive into the art of making things people love — not just use. His belief? Putting the human factor at the center of everything.

It sounds a bit cliché, doesn't it?

That's what I thought at first, too. But listen to the first few minutes of this episode, and you might change your mind... Just like I did.
  • (00:00) - Intro
  • (01:19) - Human Centricity vs Customer Centricity
  • (05:21) - 3 vectors to hit the right note with your product
  • (10:37) - How to market your product to any potential buyers
  • (22:29) - How to reduce your chances of making mistakes
  • (30:28) - Is it possible to learn confidence
  • (35:56) - The 3 forms of love
  • (39:10) - How prototyping can change everything
  • (48:38) - The power of the shiny object
  • (50:07) - Mauro's advice for marketers


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Creators and Guests

Louis Grenier
Louis Grenier
The French guy behind Everyone Hates Marketers
How to Make Products That Stick (With PepsiCo's Chief Design Officer)
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