2017 in Review: Stats, Mistakes Made, Lessons Learned
Download MP3My career history and why I started this podcast
Bonjour, bonjour, and welcome to a very special episode of everyonehatesmarketers.com because in this episode, I’m going to tell you the story behind Everyone Hates Marketers, I’m going to share with you stats that I’ve never shared before, how many downloads I’m getting, how many listens, how many active listeners, where are you guys listening from, and all of this kind of stuff. And then I’m also going to go through the main lessons, the main mistakes I’ve made in the last year in particular, related to the podcast and related to marketing in general. Finally, I’m going to do a special mention to those of you who reached out to me in the last few months, who sent me questions over email, gave me feedback and helped this podcast to become what it is now.
Let’s get started, this is the first episode where I’m not interviewing a guest. It’s a little bit nerve wracking for me. I can describe the situation I’m in right now, I’m recording this from my dad’s house. That’s the beauty of being able to work remotely. My old room actually, I’m working from my old desk, and I have my microphone in front of me, and I have a beer which is a Belgian beer actually just to keep me company.
Let’s get started straight away, right. The crisis point for me, the thing that mainly have this podcast in the first place happen in January 2017. That was a little bit less than a year ago. At this time, I was in Cancun, Mexico, and I was with my team. At the time I had a consulting business called Slices Consulting and we were four people. We decided to go to Cancun because two of my colleagues were based in the US, while two of us, me and another colleague, were based in Europe, we thought that was a great place to be in January for our company retreat and it would be mid-distance between the four of us.
We went there, but at the time we were doing a big redesign for the biggest client of ours. We were being paid to optimize conversions for clients, basically to improve the experience of their website. We just have done a big redesign for a client and it failed. It failed miserably. I was the only one of the being aware of it. I was the founder of this company and I chose not to share it until Cancun because I needed the time to digest it.
At this time, I was probably at the lowest point mentally. I was drained mentally. I was very anxious. I was thinking about work literally every minute of every day. I was checking my emails every day, day and night. I was feeling overwhelmed. I really don’t know where to go, I had the pressure of paying those three colleagues, and I knew that the big project we’ve been working on for the last few months had failed. We basically redesigned an interior experience with them, and it just didn’t work out. The conversions were actually lower. For many reasons that I can go through during the mistakes.
At this time, I knew that my company that I worked more than a year and a half before that on, had failed. Even if we tried after a few weeks to pivot and to position ourselves differently and to try to get new clients, it just didn’t work out. At the time, January 2017, I had a wedding to pay for in August 2017. I had that in the back of my mind, and I was paying myself very little to sustain the business. I knew that the day would come where I had to say stop and start being able to pay for it because I just didn’t have enough.
You might be asking why did we go to Cancun then, if you don’t have money. We had planned that for a long time and we were supposed to have to succeed with this project. If we had succeeded, we would have gotten a lot more bonus from the client, and we would have gotten more work, and potentially opportunities with other clients that they would have referred, but this didn’t happen. That was January 2017.
Back in 2015, in September, I started as a consultant. I went out of my own after working for a startup for a few years in marketing. I had €20,000 in my bank account, which is around $25,000 at the time I’m recording this episode. I had absolutely no credibility whatsoever or no network. I was in Dublin, Ireland at the time, and I knew almost no one. I had skills, but compared to now, I had no skills, I had very little knowledge of marketing, and yet I went out of my own trying to find clients to improve their conversions on their websites. I tried to portray myself as somebody who’s very knowledgeable, I even paid to speak at conferences, which is not something I’m very proud of but I felt that would accelerate the way I would get clients. I wouldn’t do that now again, ever, I would never pay to speak at a conference. But I guess when you’re getting started, I felt comfortable speaking, and I felt that was a good option. I did get a few clients this way.
Credibility, you can’t really buy credibility, can you? You can’t really buy trust, can you? You can’t really buy skills. I was lacking those three areas. Throughout this business, I started to get a few clients, I got paid very little. At the start, I remember being paid maybe €300, €400 for a full project which was to design a landing page for someone, for a client. I used my network. The way I found clients was just by contacting people that I knew and told them about what I was doing, and asked them to refer me to others.
I’m proud of what I’ve done because I managed to get a few clients, I was paying myself around €1,200, €1,300 a month, it was very little but at the start it was like, okay that’s a good start. I’m able to pay for my own salary and I was able to survive with that for a few months. I was happy with it. We had good values, I was really working hard on getting a good culture in the business as soon as I was able to hire someone. I wanted to have a remote team, that’s why we ended up with two people in the US, one person in Spain. Because I believe that the best people are based wherever in the world. It doesn’t really matter where they are. Which was kind of a big mistake as well, because the time zones were a big issue, obviously.
We were a very transparent business. Internally I was sharing everything with my team, everybody knew how much people were earning, we were very transparent in the mistakes we were making, every decision was taken with the team, everybody had access to my cash flow, the revenue of the business and all of that. From September 2015 to the end of 2016, things were going okay, we kept growing and growing until we decided to let go of a few clients to focus on the ones that were the best for us, and until we made the mistakes that we made with them which led to financial pressure. To the end that I just shared with you a few minutes ago.
At the time where pressure was mounting, where we had a very tough relationship with a client that didn’t want to pay us and then we ended up not delivering the right thing for our biggest client, I started to work on two site projects, one called Transparent Nation which was my idea of trying to connect with companies and founders and marketers who are being very transparent online as much as I wanted us to be. I made a list of those companies and those bloggers who are basically sharing their revenue online openly. You probably know Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income. People like this.
I made a list, spent a lot of time on that. I started to contact all of them saying, “Hey, we are launching a movement called Transparent Nation and we want you to be involved.” I started to interview people this way. That’s when I realized the power of networking, I realized the power of simply asking for people to talk to you as long as you say that you’re going to publish this work, this interview. They are more than happy to spend the time to do that. I really realized the power then.
The start of Everyone Hates Marketers
And then, in the meantime, and to be honest with you, I don’t even remember vividly how it came about but I always had this hatred for bullshit in marketing and this hatred for lying for marketing, trying to lie to get new clients. I always wanted to be overly transparent with clients. Took me years and years to realize that the vision that I had, the thing that really was my crusade, this thing I wanted to fight for or fight against was marketing bullshit in all its forms. What happened was I started to talk to people in Transparent Nation, in this project, I did maybe eight or nine interviews, and then I realized, “Hold on a second. A lot of them are actually marketers, I’d love to actually talk about marketing to them.” This is when Everyone Hates Marketers started.
Bear in mind, at the start, I didn’t have the name. I recorded episodes asking questions I wanted to know, and I managed to get a few people on board because they were just happy with the concept even though they knew that there was no name, they were happy to talk about marketing bullshit for 45 minutes. I got a lot of nos at the start, it wasn’t easy, but I managed to get a few names in the podcast. I was still working for my consulting business and at the time, I had still a team working with me but we decided that they would be working with the clients and I would do more work related to that, like side projects and all of that.
Once this got going, I got hooked on it. I really loved interviewing people and I felt I was good at getting answers from them. I felt that this was the type of discussion I wanted to hear, I wanted to listen to. I never connected with marketing podcasts, I always felt that they were so full of shit, really fluffy, no practical advice, they were not getting to the level of insight I wanted to get, they weren’t getting to the truth behind marketing, they were only talking about fluff, new technology, the flavor of the month marketing, and they really weren’t digging into the meaty stuff. I solved my own pain doing that. I reached out to a few marketers that I admired and I asked for them to be interviewed. A few of them said, “No.” And a few of them said, “Yes.”
One of them was David Darmanin, the CEO of Hotjar. Hotjar is a tool to help you understand how people behave on your website so you can improve their experience. Hotjar was a tool we used in Slices Consulting, in my consulting business quite a lot, for every client. I knew that they are being very transparent and I also knew that David was a brilliant marketer, because I had read a few bits of articles and presentation. We had the interview, we kept in touch. There was a really good feeling with him. He basically told me that there are maybe roles open within Hotjar and that’s when I started to realize that my head wasn’t in Slices Consulting anymore and the pressure to pay for my wedding, I remember that was a few months before the wedding, started to really mount on me, I was being very anxious about the work with clients and I knew that we had failed a major project with the best client we could have hoped for.
I was in a situation where I need to go all in and try to get a position within Hotjar because they are just simply one of the best companies to work for. Remote company, excellent product. Good marketing starts with a good product and this is a definition of a good product. Hotjar is brilliant product. I’m being very objective when I said that. I ended up starting with Hotjar in June 2017. A few months after Cancun, a few months after this big event. In between, I basically decided to shut down the company and to let go all of my clients. It took me actually a few weeks and even a few months to properly hand over clients to friend of mines that were doing relatively similar jobs. Something that I didn’t realize, I was really burnt out at this stage and I still had to work with all of my clients to deliver the work that I promised without my colleagues anymore. That was tough.
But Hotjar understood that and they gave the time to prepare and to join Hotjar when I was ready to join them, which was fantastic to be honest. I joined Hotjar in June 2017 and in between, I launched Everyone Hates Marketers in the fourth of April 2017. That’s not even a year ago. That’s actually eight months ago that I launched it. I launched it with a backlog of episodes. At the time, I already had at least 10 episodes recorded, and I had major ones that I recorded, like David Darmanin from Hotjar. I had David Heinemeier Hansson, founder of Basecamp. I had Laura Roeder, the CEO of Edgar, which is a social media management tool. I had those three big names, and I’ve decided to launch with those three episodes on top. In the meantime, before that, when I had the backlog, I basically asked over Slack channels and communities on Facebook, if people could help me come up with a name. Because at the time, I had a very strong concept, which is very similar than what we have now, but I had no name and I couldn’t find a name and I just asked on Slack. I remember vividly asking on many Slack channels, I have a few episodes, this is the concept of the show, I can’t come up with a name. I remember this person just answering, saying, “Hey, how about this? How about Everyone Hates Marketers?” I was like, “That’s awesome!” I fell in love instantly with this name. Her name is Cassandra Schwartz actually, the person who came up with this name. She’s a guest in one of the episodes around Social Media Competitive Analysis. I thank you once again, Cassandra, for coming up with the name.
This shows you a few things. Transparent Nation on one side, we had the name, we had the logo, we had our website, but we had no content. While for Everyone Hates Marketers, I had the content, but I didn’t have the name nor the website. You can guess which one succeeded as a side project. I joined Hotjar and at this time, I had a few episodes already published. They already told me that they are more than happy for me to keep doing this side project as long as I was obviously doing a great job at Hotjar, but they understood that people can have side projects and can still do a good job in their role. This is the whole and honest and transparent story. I might be forgetting a few details but actually, for times sake, what you can do to is actually go to slicesconsulting.com, look at the blog, I used to write every month and update with how much money we were making, how much money we were losing, and update on the project we were working on. And you can see, there’s a few interesting things around the podcast that I was about to launch at this stage.
In April 2017, eight months ago, I started Everyone Hates Marketers and I knew that I was joining Hotjar in June, and that my wedding was in August, and that I would be able to pay for the last remaining stuff that we had to pay for the wedding then because I would be paid by Hotjar obviously a higher salary than what I used to give me which was around €2,000 maximum a month. That was the maximum I was paying myself with the consulting. I felt much better, I felt much, much better by then. I was being very anxious, I wasn’t in a god state mentally. My mental health really suffered from this experience but I learned a lot, I definitely learned a lot.
The stats behind Everyone Hates Marketers
Before I go through the lesson learned, the mistakes of this year, I just want to share with you a few stats because we are here to talk about the podcast, Everyone Hates Marketers, which is still a side project for me. It’s a side project, I’m learning a lot from it, but it’s only a side project in a sense. The result are quite amazing, I’m amazed by them. Let me share them with you right now. Between the launch and today, what I mean today is I’m recording this episode on the 18th of December 2017. Just a week or two before publishing this episode, we’ve reached 40,000 downloads. That’s not unique listeners, that’s the number of downloads. That’s the number of people downloaded an episode. It doesn’t mean that they have listened to it. Podcast stats are quite bad at that. It doesn’t mean that they listened to it but at least they’ve downloaded.
There has been 40,000 downloads.A way to know how many active listeners are on the podcast, meaning how many people come back regularly, it’s by looking at the amount of downloads a particular episode gets after six weeks, within six weeks’ time, on the sixth week period. When you publish the episode and then you let it go six weeks. We are reaching 1000 active subscribers. It seems like 1000 people come back to Everyone Hates Marketers every episode. We’ve published 42 episodes, I have 12 in the backlogs. I still do that. I still have 12 episodes that are ready to go.
Don’t worry, Everyone Hates Marketers is not going anywhere, by the way. I have 800 people subscribing to the email list which allows you to receive the episodes every week, and a few other stuff. As you know, for most of you, I’ve interviewed people almost my whole life, like Seth Godin, David Damanin, Rand Fishkin, Laura Roeder, and many, many, many others.At the time I was in Cancun, in January 2017, if you had told me that I will be in this situation right now, I wouldn’t have believed you. It’s good to reflect, I believe, on these type of things and projects because it’s easy to forget the journey that you’ve been through. I’ve received hundreds of emails, hundreds of tweets, LinkedIn updates, invitation on LinkedIn, tweets, emails. I had hundreds of conversations with most of you, a lot of you has sent me just feedback, some harsh feedbacks, some direct feedbacks, and direct feedbacks, and very good feedbacks, excellent questions as well, a lot of discussion. I couldn’t have asked for anything more than that. It was just amazing, so far, the amount of people just contact me thanks to this podcast.
In term of the countries that you guys are listening to this podcast from, 36% of you coming from the US, 8% from the UK, 7% from Ireland, 6% from Canada, 5% from Australia, and then you have Germany, France, India, Romania, and Netherlands in the top countries. I have almost 50 or 60 other countries where you guys are listening from, which is amazing. But the vast majority are coming from US, UK, Ireland and Canada. And then how do you listen to this podcast? I dig the stats, by the way, they are coming from Libsyn, which is the podcasting tool I use, 36% of you are using iTunes or Apple Podcasts to listen, 16% use Overcast, 12% use Google Chrome, 12% of you go to the website and listen to the episode directly from Chrome on your mobile or desktop, and then Pocket Casts 5%. And then you have a lot of Android application and Mozilla, that kind of stuff. The vast majority iTunes, Overcast, Chrome, Pocket Casts.
The stats I can dig a little bit more into it, there’s interesting stuff. There has been three phases in Everyone Hates Marketers. The first phase was the launch. The launch day, remember we had David Heinemeier Hansson who has a huge network of people. He is the co-founder of Basecamp and is quite known online. And then we had him on the first day as well as David Darmanin, and Laura Roeder. David Heinemeier Hansson from Basecamp actually shared a tweet about this episode. This tweet alone brought 1200 downloads. It’s not only this tweet but I believe at least 90% of it was coming from this tweet. In one tweet, it brought me on the first day 1200 downloads. Basically, 1200 people who are listening straight away. I thought, “Wow. This is crazy.” Because if those number would keep going, I would have reached a crazy amount of listens and downloads right now. But that didn’t happen.
Phase two, straight away after our launch, after a week, it started to be clear that a lot of people just downloaded the episode because they knew DHH, David Heinemeier Hansson, but then didn’t stick around for the other. After that in phase two, for a few months, even though I was publishing one episode every week and I was asking my guests to share it to the network, we had less than 100 downloads a day, and then it started to decrease to 50 a day at the end. There were even days, especially on Sundays where I only got 10 downloads. Obviously, it’s still 10 people who listen but in the grand scheme of things, it was way, way lower than 1000 I got. But I got that for a few months up until July. From April to July, April, May, June, July, that was the stat, decreased to 50 downloads a day, with a huge uplift every Tuesday, every time I publish an episode. But overall, the average is 50.
Then phase three. Phase three is Seth Godin. It’s the Seth Godin effect. I published the Seth Godin episode early July, I believe. I really wasn’t expecting it that much, I shared the episode on my Facebook, on LinkedIn, on Twitter, and I realized how much of a superstar Seth Godin was because literally every single one of my friends, even me, saying, “Wow. You managed to land Seth Godin. It was amazing.” Whatever. Which was great, but this episode alone really started to increase the amount of downloads, I started to have more and more. Up to 800 downloads a day at one stage. I also published an article summarizing the Seth Godin episode, and I published it to Facebook, on indiehackers.com, on Medium. On Medium particularly, it got shared like crazy. I published it on a publication called The Mission. A Medium publication called The Mission and it really got shared like a lot. I’m very proud of this article, but this article alone got viewed more than 50,000 times on Medium and that brought a lot of listeners to the podcast.
I also believe that Seth Godin is such a big name that it started to give the podcast some credibility, which is something I never had in the past. It’s been July and we are now in December. Since then, the amount of downloads a day have grown steadily, not crazy but steadily, now it’s reaching 210 downloads a day, which is amazing. Imagine that, it’s just crazy. I’m not promoting it that much, I don’t have time, I’m working a full time job that is really demanding and this is my number one focus, then I have this side project. The only thing I really do is focusing on recording episodes and publishing them. Then I ask my guests to share them. That’s pretty much the only thing I do. To have a steady base of 200 a day is just absolutely amazing. I hope that those stats are fulfilling your curiosity.
Mistakes made and lessons learned
Now, let’s talk about those lessons and those mistakes. I wasn’t a thought leader, I’m not a thought leader. I had no credibility, I still don’t have a lot of credibility but really the key lesson I’ve learned is that if nobody knows you, if you have no credibility, then people can’t trust you. And if they can’t trust you, they are not going to buy from you, or they are not going to do anything that you want them to do. The only way if you are not a thought leader, or if you’re not being trusted, is actually to spend the time to talk to others who are better known than you, who have a big network, big credibility, doing interviews, developing stuff that will have them to basically get a network that is bigger than yours and talk to people like this. That’s probably one of the key things I’ve learned. The power of the network and relationships with people who have credibility is just immense.
Remember, one article, one episode with Seth Godin really started to make me and this podcast a bit more credible. People started to trust me a little bit more. Started to trust the podcast a little bit more. That led to people being happier to share the podcast to their friends, that led people to say, “If he interviewed Seth Godin, then perhaps I need to stick around because maybe the other guests are as good as Seth Godin.” That goes to show you the power of associating yourself with people who are smarter than you, better known than you. Obviously it doesn’t mean that you should create shitty content just by connecting with them, you obviously need to focus on the quality but this is what it can do.
I see this podcast as a personal MBA. Literally, every single time I interview people, I learn something new. Even if at the start I think, “We already talked about this.” But every single time I learn something new. This is an amazing way to learn.
I’ve learned that I’m not the only one feeling that marketing is full bullshit. 200 downloads a day, 200 people a day listening to this podcast means that I think we can all agree on that, which is amazing. I’ve learned that who you think your audience is will really change as soon as you launch something, as soon as you launch something for them. Originally, I thought that my audience was tech marketers, I’ve learned from talking to all of you in the last few months that actually a ton of you are tech people, you’re not a marketer, however you are using marketing to sell your product, to understand how to make your product better.
A third of you are then startup founders. You’re a tech person but you’re not necessarily working a side project, you have your own business, or at least you are thinking of launching one. And then the third one are marketers but not only in tech, quite a few of you are copywriters, and not necessarily in tech. It’s quite interesting to see that originally, Everyone Hates Marketers was for our own audience like this but then a lot of you actually find that quite useful even if you’re not a marketer. This is why in next episode, which is also a special episode, I’m just going to go through the future of Everyone Hates Marketers and where I see it going.
I’ve also learned to build a backlog. This is so powerful to have a backlog of episodes ready. So that if I go on holidays, I can safely sleep and know that in the next few weeks, there will be episodes being published. Definitely, I have also learned to focus on what you do best and outsource for the things that you’re not the best at. I have an amazing company working with me on this called PodcastMotor, and they help me to publish the show every week on iTunes, to publish the transcript of each episode on the website. They basically do a lot of things that I’m not able to do, like editing the audio, adding the intro, all of that stuff.
I’ve also learned that in marketing, you need to pick an enemy, and really go at it. You can’t launch a project that is just bland, like just yet another marketing podcast where you talk about marketing. You must pick an enemy, you must pick an angle that will make some people hate you and will make others love you. The worst thing that can happen is that you launch something, a product or whatever, and everybody, they don’t even like it. They’re just “Meh. Yeah, it’s alright.” You can’t have that. You must seek to be loved by people, and therefore, that will create people who won’t necessarily agree with you or like you, and even hate you sometimes but this is what you need to do. This is much easier to pick an enemy than to come up with a brilliant idea. Think about what pisses you off the most, pick this enemy. Whether it’s a real one or fake one and go at it, and fight against it.
Tech risk, that’s another thing I’ve learned. Don’t be afraid to launch something like this, don’t be afraid to be true to yourself, don’t be afraid to listen to harsh feedback, don’t be afraid to change stuff. To get other to open up, you need to open up first. That’s something I’ve also noticed. You can’t expect your customers to share their personal information to you if you don’t share some sort of personal information with them. That works for this podcast as well. I have a small email series at the start when you subscribe to receive emails from me and I ask you to share a few thing but I barely share anything. In conclusion, a lot of people don’t answer those emails. But I know that if I’m sharing more about myself, more people will then share stuff in return.
I’ve also learned that good marketing starts with a good product. I had a hunch that this was the case, but this is now something I strongly believe. Thanks to many, many people like Seth Godin or Rand Fishkin mentioned that many times. If you have a good product, it means that people like using it, it means that they will share it with their friends naturally. It means that word of mouth would just happen. If you’re looking for a new job in marketing, or if you’re looking to change career, to work in the marketing industry, or if you’re startup founder, or even a tech personal developer or software developer, one thing you can do to really win is to have a good product, a product that people love using. That would solve every single issue that marketers usually have. With a good product, marketing gets so much easier, so much easier.
Around the podcast itself, I used to have a structure. I used to do an intro, I used to talk with the guest about who they were a little bit, and dive into that for 20 minutes, and then moving onto a sort of step by step methodology, and then moving onto marketing bullshit in general. I’ve realized, and a lot of people send me emails about this, that they weren’t really happy with it, what they preferred was to have the step by step straight away, and then should they want to hear more from the guest himself or herself, they would then stay on and listen to the questions and answers related to the guests themselves. I’ve switched the structure around and I hope you noticed that in the last few episodes, where every single time now, I do a quick intro and I jump into a step by step methodology. I go through a lot of details because I picture you guys trying to implement that in your business right now. I do make a lot of effort to really identify the core things that you must do, and make my guest repeat themselves quite a lot, I interrupt them to make sure that they dive into things that deserve more diving into. I do a lot of things to make sure that this step by step methodology is something that you can really use in your business or in your activity or in your side project. Something that I learned from you guys, thank you.
Audio quality is the other thing. I used to have this Yeti microphone, and I used to record the show in a room that wasn’t insulated from echo, anything like this. The quality wasn’t that great, and I’m amazed that many people actually stuck with me and listened to those episodes with the quality of the audio I had. Now I bought a more expensive microphone that is much higher quality, it’s a Rode NT1-A. It’s an analogue one, which means that you need to have another small audio interface to plug it to your computer. But it’s definitely worth it. I can hear the difference pretty much. The other thing is I’ve put some panel to insulate the room I’m normally recording this episode in to prevent echo. You should really feel the difference in terms of audio quality. I hope so, anyway.
Finally, I have learned that you guys love to hear about the truth behind marketing. You don’t want the fluff, you want the truth. You want to get to the first principles of marketing. This is great because this is exactly I’m doing that. I’ve learned a lot. I’m probably forgetting quite a lot of stuff I’ve leered. As I said, next week I’m going to talk about the future of Everyone Hates Marketers, what I’m going to do next year as a side project, and all of that. But before that, I really want to thank all of you for listening, it’s truly, truly amazing to have all of you contributing like this, listening, taking the time during your work, commute, during weekends, while doing the dishes, while travelling, that you are listening to this podcast.
I wanted to do something maybe a bit crazy for the ones who are still listening to this episode. I wanted to name every single one of you who actually email me or gave me feedback or asked questions or started a conversation, because as I said before, I love that. Feel free if you haven’t done so to email me at louis@ehmarketers.wpengine.com, I love answering questions, I love having heated debate about things, I love feedback, so please keep them coming.
I actually have 100 people in front of me right now that I’m going to name, and yes, I’m going to do it because why not? Let me sort them alphabetically by their first name. If you sent me an email, or contacted me in some ways in the last few months, thanks to Everyone Hates Marketers, you are definitely in this list so please listen. I want to thank:
Abass Sahrawi
Adam Greco
Alexandre Brengues
Alin Vlad
Alli Blum
Andra Zaharia
Andre Chaperon
Ankit Das
Aodhan Cullen
Austin King
Bader Alsawafi
Barry Adams
Brad Bauer
Brittany Berger
Cara Parrish
Charles Madureira
Chris Silvestri
Connor Keppel
Conor McAleavey
Conor Mulcahy
Courtland Allen
Craig Carpenter
Daniel Barbour
Daniel Compton
Daniel Egan
Daniel Loebl
Daniel Pirciu
Danny at Giraphic
David Braziel
David Chartier
David Darmanin
Deepak Karki
Deidre Somdah
Elena Kravstoff
Emil Bruckner
Erwan Derlyn
Fin Daly
Fred Rivett
George Kao
Gianni Ponzi
Heath Evans
Henrik Jorgensen
Ivan Mir
Jan Hinrichs
Jason McGarry
Jason Swett
Jeff Cohem
Joe Whittaker
Johanna Misslinger
John Whalle
Jon Quenard
Joona Tuunanen
Juan Mendoza
Justus Luke
Kai Davis
Kaitlyn Chilson
Karl Murray
Kuntal Shah
Landon Sanford
Laurentiu Nicolae
Leon Coe
Louise Aubery
Lucy Heskins
Luis Guzman
Manuel Escobar
Mark Scully
Max Peters
Mike Colling
Mike Russell
Mitchelle Wright
Mithun Autumn
Nathalie Pavone
Nichole Elizabeth DeMérè
Nick Heim
Nick Liebman
Nico Ryan
Oli Gardner
Osbert Poniman
Param Reddy
Paul Lanigan
Philip Morgan
Raul Tiru
Remi Rivas
Reuben Borg
Rian Lanigan
Richard Andrew
Richard Bretschneider
Robert McMackin
Ronan Perceval
Sarah McKinnon
Sean O'Rourke
Shannon McFarland
Sophia Dagnon
Stefanie Grieser
Steve Nathan
Tejas Kinger
Thomas Duggan
Tomer Marshall
Trevor Hatfield
Vanessa King
That’s all of you. I’m probably forgetting a lot of people, but this is a solid list of people with some of whom I’ve become friend with. It’s really a blessing to have a lot of you listening to this podcast. I hope this episode wasn’t too boring or too different from others. Don’t worry, this episode is being published the day after Christmas, the week after I’m publishing a short episode to explain the future of Everyone Hates Marketers and then after that it’s back to normal, back to interviews with some people smarter than me, back to practical stuff that you can apply in your business, back to no fluff, back to Everyone Hates Marketers, but as usual, feel free, send me emails, if you have anything to tell me at louis@ehmarketers.wpengine.com, you can go on the website, check the resources for free, check the transcript of each episode for free. I’m not going to ask you for an email in order to get this information, you can have it all.
It’s always a pleasure to record this episodes with my guests. It’s been a pleasure recording this episode right now. I hope it’s not too far away from what you are usually used to. And Merry Christmas, of course. Or whatever else you believe in. I’ll talk to you next week about the future of everyonehatesmarketers.com. Thank you.
That’s it for another episode of everyonehatesmarketers.com, and this is the moment where I tell you to subscribe to our email list. Before you leave and go to another podcast or listen to another episode, I don’t treat email lists the way people usually treat their email list. I really treat that as a one to one conversation. I’m going to send you a very short and personal emails every two weeks, I would say, I’ll inform you of guests in advance, I’ll share with you my numbers and how many listens we get, and I’ll also ask you for your feedback in terms of the questions we can ask future guests and perhaps I can also have you on the show someday. Don’t be afraid to subscribe. I’m not going to spam you, and you can always unsubscribe for sure if you wish.
The second thing we need from you is your harsh and honest feedback. We know that this show is not perfect yet and we always can improve. You can send us your email at feedback@ehmarketers.wpengine.com, good or bad, please feel free to send me an email. The last thing I like from you is that if you did like the episode, please share it to your friends, to your colleagues, or whoever might like it. And also please review it on iTunes or another service that you might use to listen to your podcast, because if you leave us a five star review, it means that more people will be likely to listen and we can spread the word quicker.
Thank you so much once again. Au revoir!